I was born in Beijing, now live in Boston. Currently, my work is to build a cross-browser single page application which can help enterprises to discover, manage and troubleshoot their IT network.

I'm a javaScript enthusiast, javaScript not just a script language only run on browser. With the help of out-of-browser javaScript technologies, I believe every high quality web application could be built in a pure javaScript environment. Now I heavily use AngularJS and NodeJS in my daily routine, and I have couple of part-time projects built on MEAN. You could check my skills at the bottom of this page.

Most of my spare time are spent with Yuting and Cary, My habits including video game, rock music, soccer and any cool stuff.

Here is my skill set:
  • Front-end frameworks: Angular, React
  • Template engine: Jade
  • Utility tools: jQuery, Underscore, Lodash
  • CSS & HTML: Bootstrap, Semantic UI, Material Design
  • Server side: NodeJs, Express, LoopBack, Meteor, Socket.io
  • Build tools: Gulp, Webpack
  • Package manage tools: NPM, Bower
  • Testing: Protractor, Jasmine, Karma
  • Database: MongoDB, Redis
  • Version Control: Git, Mercurial